What Conditions Can Physiotherapists Treat?

When you think of Physiotherapy, you might only think of it as a way to help people recover from an injury. And while that is one of the main ways we use Physiotherapy, it is not the only reason someone might see a physiotherapist. Here are some of the conditions physiotherapists regularly treat:

  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Congenital disabilities
  • Injuries 


Arthritis causes inflammation to the joints and surrounding tissues. The most prevalent kind of arthritis is called osteoarthritis, which is brought on by the gradual breakdown of joint cartilage throughout one’s lifetime. 

Arthritis can cause pain, stiffness, swelling, and a decreased range of motion in the joints that are afflicted by the condition. This disorder primarily affects people in their later years, although it can also strike persons of younger ages. 

A reduction in joint discomfort and inflammation, as well as an improvement in joint function and range of motion, can be achieved by physiotherapy.


Asthma is another condition that physiotherapists treat. This condition affects the lungs and can make it difficult to breathe. Lung function may be improved with the aid of physiotherapy, which also makes it simpler to control asthma symptoms.


Cancer is a devastating disease that can substantially negatively affect one’s quality of life. Physiotherapy can help improve your strength, stamina, and energy levels to better cope with cancer treatment.

Chronic Pain

Pain that has lasted for more than a year and a half or three months is considered to be chronic. It can be caused by many different things, such as an injury, arthritis, nerve damage, endometriosis, or fibromyalgia. 

Chronic pain can substantially influence a person’s quality of life, making it difficult or impossible for them to participate in activities of daily living. 

Massage, heat treatment, and electrical stimulation are all physiotherapy methods that may alleviate chronic pain. It can help to reduce pain by improving your flexibility and range of motion.


Depression is an illness that affects a person’s mental health, but it may also substantially influence a person’s physical health. Physiotherapy can help improve your mood and increase your energy levels to cope better with depression.


Diabetes is a disorder that alters the way that your body handles sugar in its systems. If you have diabetes, you must be careful about the sugar in your diet. Physiotherapy can help to improve your blood sugar control so that you can better manage diabetes symptoms.

Congenital Disabilities

Congenital disabilities are those that are present at birth. They can be caused by genetic abnormalities, problems with the development of the fetus in utero, or complications during childbirth.

Some congenital disabilities that physiotherapists treat are cerebral palsy and spina bifida.

Children born with a disability may benefit from participating in physiotherapy to improve their mobility and overall function. This physiotherapy focuses on improving muscle strength, coordination, and range of motion.


Physiotherapists commonly treat conditions caused by injuries. In situations like this one, physiotherapy can assist in hastening the healing process by minimizing the effects of inflammation and enhancing blood flow to the wounded region.

Strengthening the muscles and tissues in the vicinity of an injured area is one of the many benefits that may be gained from participating in physiotherapy.

Work with a Therapist

It is essential to work with a qualified and experienced physiotherapist with specialized knowledge in treating the specific condition you are experiencing. Your physiotherapist can work with you to create a personalized treatment plan and set realistic goals for improving your health and quality of life.

From posture to enhanced performance, your physiotherapist will ensure you improve your quality of life. Read on to know what other benefits you can get from physiotherapy!

Improved Posture 

One of the most widespread issues that individuals struggle with in today’s society is poor posture. Whether you work at a desk all day or spend hours hunched over your phone, poor posture can lead to many problems, including headaches, neck pain, and upper back pain. 

A physiotherapist can help improve your posture by teaching exercises that strengthen the muscles that support your spine and providing you with a custom orthotic to correct any alignment issues.

Relieved Pain

If you are dealing with chronic pain, whether it’s from arthritis, fibromyalgia, or another condition, physiotherapy can help. Physiotherapy can relieve inflammation, improve joint mobility, and increase muscle strength. In addition, physiotherapy can assist in the reduction of headaches caused by stress as well as migraines.

Prevent Injuries 

Whether you’re an athlete or just someone who enjoys being active, physiotherapy can help prevent injuries. A physiotherapist can assess your risk of injury and design a personalized program to help reduce your risk. 

For example, if you have weak ankles, a physiotherapist could prescribe exercises to help strengthen them and prevent ankle sprains in the future.

Recover from Surgery 

If you’ve recently had surgery, whether it’s a knee replacement or hip surgery, physiotherapy can help you recover. Your rehabilitation might be sped up with the help of physiotherapy, which will reduce swelling and increase your range of motion. 

In addition, physiotherapy can assist in the reduction of pain as well as the prevention of the development of scar tissue.

Enhanced Performance 

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an elite athlete, Physiotherapy can help you enhance your performance. A physiotherapist can assess your biomechanics and identify any areas that may be causing you to move inefficiently. 

In addition, a physiotherapist can also design a customized training program to help improve your strength, power, and endurance while reducing your risk of injury.

Let Us Help You!

These are just some of the conditions that physiotherapists treat regularly. If you are suffering from any of these problems, then physiotherapy could be able to provide you with some relief from the symptoms that you are experiencing.

At FIT Clinic, we are committed to assisting you in achieving your desired level of health and improving your overall quality of life. 

Get in touch with us as soon as possible to schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable physiotherapists.

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